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The Institute’s Journal publishes current research, academic and practitioner pieces in an accessible format from both national and international authors.
We are delighted to support the Journal of Search and Rescue, an open access peer-reviewed electronic journal for the collation and distribution of original scholarly material relating to this topic.
Informs the membership of news of the Institute’s activities and the activities of various groups within the Institute. It allows members to bring to the notice of the membership things they are involved with which might be of interest to other members and notifies members of change of jobs. It also carries short, normally of less than 1,000 words, pieces on interesting topics.

Raise the profile of civil protection and emergency management. Our blogs present fresh thinking, new insights and perspectives. They also challenge current thinking and practice.
Our Award of Excellence winners are regular contributors to more positive perspectives on Covid in the news and clear signposting of where to find the most up to date information.
We conduct and publish our own research and regularly respond to consultations and calls for evidence by governments and bodies to improve policy and practice. Read the latest submissions here.
Our Special Interest Groups also publish newsletters containing research and analysis on their topics of interest covering historical, international and the blue lights.
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