Lianna Roast, MSc, MBPsS - Learning and resilience a critical combination For me this perfectly followed on from the previous speaker. Kudos to the programme manager for that. A clear and simple message: To learn is to change To learn is to build To learn is to invest Learning starts with people. Why so often do we remove the human aspects and only focus on the parts and processes? Why have we created passive processes for collecting learning that fail to enable learning? How do we recalibrate the balance between the material, social and mental? How do we move from passive to active, again culture, management and leadership. From this we develop the critical learning Infrastructure. I was very fortunate to have my own passive and active learning experiences today. Stepping away from the treadmill of endless activities and tasks, this was an opportunity for time informal learning, creative thinking, discussions, debates, knowledge and insight exchanges with a diverse array of sector professionals. knowledge I can takeaway to change, build and invest in improving myself and my work.
This was a packed in attendance and fantastic talk by Lianna Roast, MSc, MBPsS
this was a brilliant overview of the common barriers and failures to learn from lessons, and the processes and systems we can use to overcome this.
It was also great to have an insight into how the upcoming UK resilience lessons digest will support practitioners. Enabling iterative improvement from old and new lessons.
Great work from the The Emergency Planning College (EPC)