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European Security Week


The Belgian city of Liege hosted the third and final European Week of Security and Police Academy from 2 – 6 of May 2022. Fellow of ICPEM Lina Kolesnikova participated as an expert of Experts Advisory Committee of PACTESUR (Protect Allied Cities against TErorrism in Securing Urban aReas) project.

Bringing together European local stakeholders, police representatives and experts, the European Week of Security is a major dissemination event for PACTESUR, contributing to raising awareness among citizens and local politicians in their roles in prevention and as security actors. The event is also an opportunity to present the project’s main results and exchange with the representatives of the Expert Advisory Committee and Associated Cities on their experience in protecting public spaces across Europe.

Around 50 police officers from the project’s partners and associated cities were welcomed by the city of Liège to share theoretical sessions as well as simulation exercises and study visits. They discussed intervention procedures, negotiation & mediation techniques and exchange knowledge and tools to better secure public spaces, while ensuring they remain open, inclusive & accessible to all.

From UK members of Metropolitan Police of London, police from Scotland, and members of City Council of Leeds took active part at all events.


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