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Why join?

In an increasingly precarious world it is important to prepare for, mitigate, respond to and recover from a variety of disruptive events.


ICPEM provides a place, for people working in all aspects and at any level to join together, share knowledge and best practice, and learn from one another. Together we influence policy makers around the world to reduce the risk and the impact of disasters and increase societal resilience. 



Professional membership is important. As a professional body we support you in your career. We also help drive the industry forward. With your help we are able to identify important topics and areas and work together to improve them. We deliberately keep our fees low because we know that many of you have to pay professional membership subscriptions yourself. This doesn't impact on the great quality of our benefits which you will have access to:


  • Post-nominals for Members (MICPEM) and Fellows (FICPEM)

  • Our journal, Alert 

  • Events 

  • Networking

  • Special interest groups

  • Research opportunities

  • Writing and publication of your work
  • Opportunities to get involved in consultations and providing written evidence to policymakers 


We are a collaborative and supportive community of professionals and academics from around the world working in a variety of fields who can support your career growth and development including:


  • Civil protection

  • Disaster science

  • Disaster risk reduction

  • Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response

  • Emergency planning and management

  • Crisis management

  • Organisational and operational resilience

  • Business continuity

  • Risk management

  • Health & safety

  • Sustainability



We have a range of opportunities for members to get involved in leading and supporting what we do.


International Membership Fees

Growing the International Membership in order that ICPEM can become a recognised International Learned Institution is one of the current aims of the Institute.


The Executive Committee agreed four levels of fees for each grade of membership, depending on whether the applicant comes from a High-Income Economy, an Upper Middle-Income Economy, a Lower Middle-Income Economy or a Low-Income Economy.


More information can be found here.



Types of Membership


Membership grades and the current arrangements in place to accept individuals into the Institute and enable members to upgrade their membership level can be found here.

Happy Student


For those undertaking education at the undergraduate or postgraduate level.








Person Writing


For those who may not yet possess the qualifications or experience but have an interest in the objectives of the Institute.







Business Conference




For academics and professional practitioners.



Person Holding Tablet





For those who have significant background and experience in these and related fields.




For those with demonstrable expertise and contributions to the Institute.



Senior Fellow


Corporate Membership

We are also pleased to offer corporate membership to commercial organisations, other charities, institutions or professional bodies who may contribute to, or benefit from, the mission and objectives of the Institute. 


As well as recognition on ICPEM's website benefits include copies of Alert, use of our corporate member logo,  staff discounts on membership, discounted advertising exhibition rates and opportunities to sponsor events.  


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