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Doc Hines - Covid News & Views - 28 February 2022


Updated: Nov 9, 2023

As other dramatic and worrying world events continue into a fifth day, news about Covid has all but disappeared from the news media.

To make it more difficult the official Government statistics have been re- jigged, so it makes it more difficult to compare data from previous days. The new data is all based on 7 days which should exclude the daily variation depending on the days of the week, and so be a more accurate picture. My concern is that with people not bothering or being required to test, the number of positive cases detected will fall. We will not know about minor cases and the only accurate statistic will be about those in hospital.

The number of tests in the last seven days is 4,985,018. This is just over 1 million less than in the week ending 7 days ago. This is an 18% fall in numbers.

In the last 7 days 260,924 positive cases have been discovered, a drop of 68 thousand or 20.7% compared to the previous week.

Admissions to hospital in the last week totalled 8,053 which is a reduction of 832 compared to the previous week or 9.4% less.

The current number in hospital has not been updated today, it stands at 10,767 on 24th February. On the same day there were only 289 requiring mechanical ventilation.

The number dying of Covid is still more than 100 per day. There were 845 deaths recorded over the last 7 days, a drop of 183 or 17% compared to the previous week.

The reporting of vaccine data seems to be unchanged. There is no data about 4th doses. 91.5% of our population have now had a first jab. 85.1% have had a second dose and 66.3% had had all 3 jabs. Our local immunisation centre in Boston was badly damaged by the storms and has had to close its doors for a few days. Those coming for jabs have been sent to the other centre in town and easily accommodated there.

Around the world the most troubled area seems to be Hong Kong where Chinese officials have arrived to oversee and enforce regulations. It’s a very small and overcrowded area. There are currently 34 thousand confirmed cases. There is compulsory testing for all residents. Many residents are trying to leave the country concerned at the Chinese activity.

New York is to lift all its legal mask requirements from the 2nd March.

Australia is currently battling severe floods in some areas but has also had a problem with false positive Covid tests. At least 55 tests came back positive when they should have been negative. I understand the whole batch of tests being used have been discarded.

New Zealand have announced that fully vaccinated New Zealand citizens need no longer isolate on their return to the homeland.

In the Philippines, in Manilla the restrictions have been reduced to their lowest levels since this all began.

The world continues to do battle with Covid. There are good signs the battle is being won, with the exception of Hong Kong, for a reason which is not clear to me. There are no variants of concern appearing although there have been more cases in the USA of the latest Omicron variant which may be more infectious. but seems less virulent, which means it is not a significant threat.

We still need to get the immunisation rates much higher in sub-Saharan African states. Vaccine is being wasted because there is no established infrastructure to distribute and administer the vaccine. Various Aid Societies will be very glad of any financial or practical help.

People are definitely learning to live with Covid, many others are preoccupied with the conflict in Ukraine. It means many more people are distressed again. Many of your Russian or Ukrainian neighbours will be much more worried now about what will happen there. For them Covid has been pushed aside. It may have been pushed aside but it has not gone away

Please all act responsibly and with common sense, be supportive, get your 4th jab when its offered, think of any way however small that you can help in these crises. Above all stay safe.

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