Workshop & Panel
Day 1: Afternoon Panel discussion with group workshop chairs
Panel session chairs workshops 1-6 Melvin Hartley CF Robyn Knox MBE, Róisín Jordan, Hannah Tankard, Andrew McClelland and Lesley Speedie
I had the absolute joy of being able to attend session 2 chaired by Robyn Knox MBE who led our group through a workshop on how could we reach and align partners for societal resilience focusing on three key questions; (1) who, (2) how, (3) methods (SWOT).
This workshop was then followed by chairs coming back to present the headlines from their respective sessions.

The most common themes being:
Change culture
Public Education
The headline notes: For resilience to be a vertical, horizontal, internal and external initiative. Embedded long-term into BAU within a broader interconnected, collective multidisciplinary approach.
The pervasive challenge of discourse and the need for multidisciplinary interoperable working definitions.
The need for baseline analysis and measurements to drive the tangible and intangible evidence base and business case.
How to utilise gatekeepers and levers effectively through effective community mapping, participatory community based engagement techniques.
The role of training, exercising and learning as a whole of society endeavour and facilitating participation and empowering partners and communities.
How we can repurpose existing structures and mechanisms. The role of the business sector in all aspects and the many layers of the VC&F alongside the untapped resources and opportunities of these partners.
The barrier between science, policy and practise and the role of academia and knowledge dissemination and the need for novel engagement methods beyond peer reviewed journals
The SWOT of data and its increasing importance and limitations.
Communication with the public the role of national Vs local, contextualisation and relevance to facilitate the uptake of self protective behaviours. Making me think back to my favourite guide - crisis comms a behavioural approach by the Government Communication Service.
The need for a coordinated and coherent approach to public education on matters of individual and public resilience across the spectrum from cradle to grave.