UK National Resilience cannot and should not be political - lives and livelihoods are at stake. UK National Resilience must become a strategic national priority established within the bigger and broader PESTEL construct. This is something that far exceeds a 4 year political cycle and biased mandates. I will again echo the recommendation of the House of Lords - Select Committee on Risk Assessment and Risk Planning - HL Paper 110 Report of Session 2021–22 Preparing for Extreme Risks: Building a Resilient Society. "The Government should establish an Office for Preparedness and Resilience as a non-departmental body, headed by a newly created post of Government Chief Risk Officer. This body would be responsible for producing independent analysis of UK preparedness and monitoring Government preparedness. It would produce assessments of UK resilience, set resilience standards, and conduct audits of UK preparedness. It would have the ability to commission research and establish expert task and finish groups on specific topics to produce expert led reports and assessments. The Office for Preparedness and Resilience should have a standing expert advisory council to provide independent challenge, oversight and strategic direction. It should establish an institutional memory bank, in the form of a digital library, which contains resilience literature and the lessons learned of all major exercises and emergencies. This should be made available to a designated set of users including central Government officials, local responders, the devolved administrations, and parliamentarians." At the bare minimum we at least must have a New National Resilience Committee - as recommended by the National Preparedness Commission Link to the full report: Link to the National Preparedness Commission article: #ResilientNation #emergencymanagement #resilience #disasterriskreduction Institute of Civil Protection & Emergency Management (ICPEM) Emergency Planning Society The EPS James Arbuthnot
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