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Purple Skies


In accordance with the Institute’s Constitution, Membership is, inter alia, open to, and offered to, any individual who: by virtue of their studies, past experience, academic qualifications or professional appointment are considered as being able to add value and depth to the capabilities and reputation of the Institute.


Grades of Membership


Student Members - Shall be undertaking full or part time education within the emergency management or related domains at the under- or post-graduate level. Student Members shall incur no fees for the duration of their studies as long as they are not in full-time employment, however, Students must thereafter apply for Associate or Member Status.

Associate Members - Whilst not possessing the qualifications or experience to attain the grade of Member, Associate Members have an interest in the objectives of the Institute.

Members - who are practicing or professionals in the emergency planning or disaster management disciplines. This is the core level of the Institute's professional community. Members shall for professional purposes be entitled to use the post-nominal MICPEM. Other than applications to join ICPEM at Student or Associate level, all new applications for admission to the ICPEM are at Membership level. Therefore, all new applicants to join the Institute are at Member level, subject to an application detailing educational and professional qualifications and background.

Fellows - Fellowship of the Institute is a mark of excellence, granted to those with outstanding achievements in the Institute's core fields of emergency management, risk reduction or civil defence. We strive to elevate a strong and vibrant community of Fellows to act as mentors to our members. Admittance to the Fellowship is possible in two routes. The first, after a minimum of 3 years, Members can apply for Fellowship level but they must provide evidence demonstrating new contributions in their field of work/study/research and they have contributed to the running/promotion of the aims and objectives of the ICPEM (i.e. lectured at ICPEM conferences, contributed to ICPEM publications or held a positions on ICPEM committees, etc). Fellows shall for professional purposes be entitled to use the post-nominal FICPEM. While the standard for admittance for new Members is based on professional and academic qualifications, the assessment of Fellowship is based on extraordinary achievement and contribution to the field.  

The Executive Council may in unique cases award Fellowship in a time frame shorter than the 3 year period subject to meeting the detailed criteria above.

Senior Fellows - a Fellow can apply for Senior Fellowship level after a minimum of 5 years after becoming a Fellow. In their application they must provide evidence demonstrating new contributions in their field of work/study/research and they must have made past or ongoing contributions to the running/promotion of the aims and objectives of the ICPEM (e.g. lectured at ICPEM conferences, contributed to ICPEM publications or held a positions on ICPEM committees, etc). Senior Fellows shall for professional purposes be entitled to use the post-nominal Sen FICPEM.

Applications or decisions regarding Honorary Members or Honorary Fellows will be discussed and agreed at a formal Executive Council and by exception, any applications to join as a Fellow would be tabled, discussed and decided at formal Executive Council meetings.


Admission Criteria


ICPEM aims to engage with practitioners AND academics in the fields of civil protection and emergency management. Therefore, whilst minimum criteria are detailed in the framework, it is important that each application is assessed on its own merit.


ICPEM welcomes practitioners, academic practitioners who also have academic qualifications in the various fields of civil protection and emergency management (‘Pracademics’).


ICPEM is keen to develop the skills and knowledge of all members, therefore those who are studying or are new to roles in the fields of civil protection and emergency management with no academic qualifications are welcomed. Experience can be achieved through the attendance at courses, events and through private study and personal development.


The field of civil protection and emergency management is wide and may include members of the emergency services including healthcare. However, other disciplines such as security, health and safety and risk management all have valuable skills and knowledge which will be of benefit to ICPEM and our members.

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