The national ambition for resilience: Cabinet Office - Mary Jones - Resilience Directorate
Key notes
A complex and volatile environment of multiple hazards (acute and chronic) historically there has not been enough focus on preparing, preventing and adaptive recovery.

- The need to tackle risks at source with a sectoral consensus to get upstream of risk to prevent and mitigate.
- However - the challenge is how to turn the objective into reality. Asked - What do people want to see gov do - Responses range from - addressing current pressures, future threats, present practices / processes & planning for existential threats.
- Building Resilience national is a large endeavour at the centre of complex a nebulous of systems of systems. Behind this is exploring how CO support the range of actors to have the maximum impact without abdicating responsibility to secure safety and security of the nation.
- Public national risk register pending - not aimed at the general public aimed at risk management professionals engaged in risk - this approach, I strongly welcome and is in alignment with what we have tried to do in my own LRF with our community risk register - separating out our public risk communication products into specific audiences with tailored approaches rather than a one documents fits all approach.
- Ongoing work on interlinking and embedding resilience objectives across government policy for efficiency and investment synergy
- Enabling broader participation at the local level, facilitating diversity and inclusion and representation in planning and TEOL
- A need to stop focusing on single hazards and risks, move to multi hazard risk management and all hazard preparedness- shifting the focus to common impacts and consequences - this is strongly welcomed and in line with global DRR policy, strategy and developing practices
- Communities are the missing syndicate, social and human capital gains, capacity and capabilities are yet to be fully realised
- Impacts will differ across contexts, risk is highly fluid as is resilience. I now wonder - how can indicators and emerging monitoring frameworks account for spatio-temporal factors and integrate qualitative social science data. To create meaningful, tangible, locally appropriate solutions that demonstrate value for money
- Tapping into existing structures and processes through a multi-disciplinary & multi-agency approach.
- Collectively understanding roles, responsibilities, subsidiarity and tangible steps in the short, mid and long term.