Another new infection with the potential impact of COVID Is a real probability and especially with all the global geo political conflicts we now face.
Therefore our political leaders and ministers need to pass control of this important task of building UK Resilience Capacity and Capability to non political cross party groups who actually Care enough about not only doing this short term whilst people look but to Care enough to sustain long term and to keep on doing this and improving on what we have learnt when all the lights have gone out, and the cameras and the news reporters have gone home. This is not a game for political capital it’s about saving peoples lives and those politicians that want to keep playing that dangerous game need to now step aside and let other custodians who we agree we can trust with this critical national mission to take over.
A science, cross party, citizen led national steering committee should be formed and given power over an independent fully finance traceable (blockchain) commercial transaction system to control budget allocation and distribution so that investment can continue and increase, not decrease. We will face more infections and we need to be ready to act fast and effectively to Respond and Recover in line with emerging British Standards.
Bottom Up Approach is needed as described in the 2011 Green Leaves III environmental impact assessment and management guide from Cranfield University.
Lessons were there for us all to learn and build on but we all need to care about why that’s important and not just leave this to scientists or a few lone MP voices or lone citizens.
If we are serious about building UK Resilience capacity our national respect for this important work needs to be sustained and not forgotten.
Here is a statement from just a few days ago illustrating how serious this threat of allowing those who would like us to forget their lack of preperadness or professional seriousness during COVID and to move on. We will not forget and we will demand that this gets better as it’s too important to ignore.
We should not forget, we should debate and dicuss what went wrong and why and we have to learn and improve as it will happen again and next time we need to be even more ready than we were last time not less.
Greg Clarke, chair of the Science and Technology Select Committee, told Tonight with Andrew Marr on LBC: “It’s appalling that we should have forgotten them [the lessons of Covid] so quickly.
Let me also add not only them [lessons of COVID] but also THEM, the 212,585 people who died of COVID in the UK.
#covid19 #preperadness #covid UK Covid-19 Inquiry #risk #uk #crisismanagement #crisismanagement #resilience #labour #conservatives #liberal #green #bsi #iso Cranfield University